Sunday, July 6, 2008


If you've ever asked for help from friends, you'll probably know what I mean.

There are those who will point you in the right direction, then leave you to it; without putting in any further effort to help you.

I come across many situations where I've had to ask friends for help in getting connected to people in a new business situation or in an area I'm not familiar with.

The ones who volunteer help with earnest are likely to be the ones who will only pay "lip service". They will call their contact and say "a friend of mine needs help", then pass on the contact to you, period. They will not as questions such as:
"How was the person I introduced?
Was he able to help?
If not, do you want me to get someone else?"

Its very easy to test your friends. Try them out, and if they're like what I've illustrated, then you know they are NOT DEPENDABLE.

But if you come across someone who will ask those 3 questions I highlighted above, then they are the friends you should keep as "that's what friends are for"

Better still: if ever a friend is prepared to arrange a meeting with the people you would like to meet, and he/she will be there for the meeting.

Friendships can be shallow affairs. I recently had to contact some "friends" (supposedly) to ask about certain experiences they had which I didn't. One promised to meet but 3 weeks later, we're still emailing one another as to when is the best time to meet. Another immediately responded with the information I needed via email, promising to meet or talk should I need to.

Through the years, I've learnt to discern the true friends from the others. Have you?